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UNPFII: Docip workshop on Tuesday 28 April 2015: “How to send information to the Special Procedures dealing with human rights violations”


Docip is organising, in partnership with the UN Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Peoples, the following workshop during the 14th session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. This training session is open to all delegates.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Workshop – How to send information to the Special Procedures dealing with human rights violations

3:00-5:30 p.m.:in English, Spanish, French and Russian.

3:00 - 3:20 p.m.: Ms. Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, will present her mandate.

3 :20 - 3:40 p.m.: Mr. Joshua Cooper, Hawaii Institute for Human Rights, will present the mandates of the Special Procedures and how to use them.

3 :40 – 5 :20 p.m.: workshop in small groups to draft a communication

5 :20 – 5 :30 : Conclusion

Location: Conference Room 4, Conference Building, UN Headquarters, New York.

We suggest you to bring a computer or IPAD

With the support of the European Union, the Sámediggi (Saami Parliament in Norway), the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, the Canton of Geneva, the City of Geneva and the UN Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Peoples.

Docip fact sheet on the SRIP

Docip has updated its fact sheet on the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (SRIP), which you may read and upload by clicking here.