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ACTUALITÉSPour être informés quotidiennement des nouveaux sujets concernant les Peuples Autochtones: conférence, documentation, processus internationaux, débats, etc.


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Programme for the Expert Mechanism (EMRIP 10): Tuesday, July 11, 2017


Docip is pleased to inform you on the official programme and the side-events at the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Geneva. For last minute changes you might want to follow our twitter account and consult the information screens at the UN.

Programme of work

10:00am–1:00pm Item  5 Interactive dialogue with national human rights institutions, regional human rights institutions and similar mechanisms
3:00pm–6:00pm Item  4 Study and advice on good practices and challenges in business and in access to financial services by indigenous peoples





Participation of indigenous peoples in WIPO processes


1:15pm–2:45pm Room XXIII Indigenous peoples’ rights and the impacts of extractive industries in the Americas and in Africa IWGIA, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights EN|ES
1:15pm–2:45pm Room XXVII European Commission and the rights-based approach: its main vehicle for indigenous peoples’ rights European Commission and DOCIP EN|ES|FR|RU
1:15pm–2:45pm Room XXV Open Consultations: 2019 - Year of indigenous languages UNESCO / EMRIP EN, others tbc



Information from Indigenous Peoples

  • Indigenous Peoples Global Caucus Meeting: Wednesday, July 12, 2017, 6:00 - 8:00 pm, room XXIII (23)



Information from the EMRIP secretariat



Information from Docip



Please join us at the Docip reception on Tuesday, July 11 !