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ACTUALITÉSPour être informés quotidiennement des nouveaux sujets concernant les Peuples Autochtones: conférence, documentation, processus internationaux, débats, etc.


Pour être informés quotidiennement des nouveaux sujets concernant les Peuples Autochtones: conférence, documentation, processus internationaux, débats, etc.

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Online survey on Docip's strategic plan 2021 - 2025


Photo: Docip Strategy 2021-2025

Since its formation Docip has regularly and proactively sought consultation with Indigenous Peoples’ organizations with the goal of updating its institutional strategy and ensuring that it is moving in the right direction.  Since Docip was created by and for indigenous representatives, this consultation is essential to the development and organization of its activities.

In light of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, we have created an online survey in five languages: English, Spanish, French, Russian and Portuguese, to ensure a broad return regarding our activities for the period of 2021 - 2025. The suggestions you make will be key to prioritizing our activities and guiding our fundraising. Activities will be implemented based on this prioritization and on fundraising outcomes.

The entire survey should not take you more that 30 minutes. Feel free to only answer the required(*) questions. Your privacy is guaranteed at all time.

Deadline: November 19, 2021.



 (Please choose your language in the top right corner of the survey)


Thank you!