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New Update, nº111 - Docip Publication


Dear Friends,

The time has come to introduce to you this year's Docip Update, No. 111, which presents the most recent developments on Indigenous Peoples' rights.

The content of the Update has been revised in order to provide an in-depth analysis of the international events that are of concern to Indigenous Peoples. It concentrates on cross-cutting issues to give a better understanding of the overall issue. It also complements the Summary Notes, which aim to provide detailed information of discussions held during the main international conferences on Indigenous Peoples' rights.

The Focus section of this Update No. 111 deals with the SDGs process with a particular spotlight on Indigenous Peoples' participation, as well as on follow-up of the SDGs. The Ongoing Processes section highlights three current outstanding issues: the climate change negotiations related to the upcoming COP22, the need for the voices of indigenous persons with disabilities to be heard, and the increasing number of discussions concerning Business and Human Rights issues. The Latest News section also reviews three major issues: (1) the revised EMRIP mandate; (2) the WIPO IGC process and (3) Regional News, which provides information on the regional systems relating to Indigenous Peoples' rights – with this year’s focus being the Africa region and the region of Central and South America and the Caribbean. The Update also offers a new section on Docip’s activities in order to keep our network up to date on our services.

Finally, I take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude to the team of translators that have worked diligently to provide this information within the earliest timeframe possible and to make it accessible in our 4 working languages. The team includes: Leyla Babayeva and Ivan Gorovenko for Russian translation, Diego Guzmán for Spanish translation, Susanna Bredenberg for proofreading of the English version, and Charlotte Prochasson for proofreading of the French version.

I look forward to receiving any feedback you may have, and I hope you enjoy the read!

Best regards,

Claire Moretto


Update nº111: