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Invitation: Dialogue of the Special Rapporteur during the UNPFII



Dialogue of the UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples with indigenous organizations and representatives on the issue of indigenous peoples' rights and conservation activities, New York, May 11, 2016.

The Special Rapporteur on the rights of Indigenous Peoples, Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, is preparing a report on the issue of the impacts of conservation activities on the rights of Indigenous Peoples to be submitted to the UN General Assembly this year. The Special Rapporteur also intends to transmit her recommendations to the IUCN World Conservation Congress to be held in Hawaii next September 2016.

The Special Rapporteur has organized a dialogue session with Indigenous Peoples' organizations and representatives with a view to receive information and inputs on the following issues:

1. Concrete examples when the establishment and management of conservation areas has been instrumental for the recognition, respect and fulfilment of the rights of indigenous peoples:

a. Role played by environmental NGOs (international, national, local)
b. Role played by the State

2. Concrete examples when the establishment and management of conservation areas has resulted in violations of the rights of indigenous peoples as enshrined in relevant international human rights instruments, including ILO Convention 169 and the UN Declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples

a. Role played by environmental NGOs (international, national, local)
b. Role played by the State

3. Examples of conservation activities and proposals undertaken by Indigenous Peoples themselves. Support from States and environmental NGOs.

4. National legislation. Harmonization and contradictions between environmental laws and the rights of indigenous peoples.

5. Remedy. Cases in which State and/or other actors have provided remedy to indigenous peoples whose rights have been affected by conservation activities (for instead through devolution of their lands, territories and resources; economic compensations; lands of similar quality as those occupied, etc.) Cases in which remedy has not been provided or it has not been fair and equitable.

6. Recommendations to environmental NGOs and States to ensure that conservation initiatives respect and promote the rights of indigenous peoples.

The Special Rapporteur would also appreciate to receive further information on these issues to be submitted in electronic format.

The meeting will take place at the Ford Foundation, 320 E 43rd St, New York, NY 10017, on the 11th May, 2016 from 10 to 13 hours. Interpretation in English and Spanish will be provided.

Due to space limitations, the Special Rapporteur will very much appreciate that you confirm your participation no later than 2 May to Christine Evans (indigenous(at) and Patricia Borraz (pborraz(at)


Site of the Special Rapporteur
Docip information on the UNPFII
15th session of the UNPFII