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Information and registration for EMRIP’s 8th session – deadline: 6 July 2015

The 8th session of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP) will be held at the UN, Palais des Nations, Geneva, from July 20 to 24, 2015.


Online accreditation process is open and available here. Please note that the deadline for accreditation requests is 6 July 2015.

Provisional agenda

Items on the provisional agenda of the 8th session include:

  • Follow-up to the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples
  • Panel on indigenous peoples’ human rights in relation to business enterprises
  • Follow-up to the summit on the post-2015 development agenda
  • Follow-up on thematic studies and advice
  • Study and advice on the promotion and protection of the rights of indigenous peoples with respect to their cultural heritage
  • United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples



EMRIP secretariat informs that during the session, lunch-time events related to the mandate of the Expert Mechanism can be organized from 13:15 to 14:45. Due to the limited availability of rooms, only two lunch-time events can take place each day.

The Expert Mechanism is encouraging the organization of lunch-time events that contribute to its mandate and specifically to the agenda of the session, in particular in relation to access to indigenous peoples’ rights with respect to their cultural heritage, follow up to the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

To apply to hold a lunch-time event, please send a letter to with the following information:


  • The title of the event
  • The names of the organizer/s
  • The purpose of your proposed lunch-time event
  • Its relationship to the 8th session
  • The language of the event
  • Whether interpretation will be provided
  • The preferred day for the lunch-time event

Decisions by the EMRIP secretariat on lunch-time events – including day and room – will be final. Relevant factors include the order in which the application was received and its relationship to the work of EMRIP’s 8th session.

Requests for side events must be received by 6 July 2015.

For further information on accreditation and side events, you may contact the EMRIP secretariat by writing to:


The agenda, the program of work, and all other documents relevant to the session will be found here in June.

Documents relating to the EMRIP are also found here in Docip’s online documentation database.

Getting a visa

Switzerland being part of the Schengen Space, only one visa is necessary to come to Switzerland and other European countries. Please note that getting a Schengen visa takes at least three weeks. You will find here the list of Swiss Embassies and Consulates.

Travel insurance

A travel insurance is requested by the Swiss Embassy of your country to obtain the Schengen visa. If you don't have one yet, please click here.


The Delegates Welcome Service of the Geneva Welcome Center (CAGI) organizes accommodation in budget hotels for indigenous delegates who are participating in conferences taking place in Geneva. Delegates will participate to the cost of their accommodation up to the amount of Swiss Francs 35.- per night. The application procedure and request form can be found online here and should be sent back to the following email address: Please consult the CAGI website here for all relevant information.

We also advise you to consult here Docip's webpage on local information and hotels in Geneva. This page will be updated soon.