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EMRIP 2017 - Indigenous Peoples Preparatory Meeting


The Indigenous Peoples Preparatory Meeting for the 10th session of  the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples will take place on Sunday July 9, 2017 at the Swiss Press Club, 106, route de Ferney, Geneva (Bus 5 – Intercontinental stop) from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 

Draft Agenda

1. Opening Thanksgiving

2. Selection of Chairpersons

3. Finalizing agenda

4. Strategies to deal with the Agenda of the Expert Mechanism

   A-3. New mandate of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous  Peoples: activities and methods of work.
   A-4. Study and advice on on good practices and challenges, including discrimination, in business and in access to financial services by indigenous peoples, in particular indigenous women and indigenous persons with disabilities.
   A-5. Interactive dialogue with national human rights institutions, regional human rights institutions and similar mechanisms.
   A-6. Ten years of implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: good practices and lessons learned.
   A-7. Indigenous peoples’ participation in the United Nations system as follow-up to the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples.
   A-8. Intersessional activities and follow-up to thematic studies and advice on the rights to cultural heritage and health.
   A-9. Future work of the Expert Mechanism, including focus of next annual study.
   A-10. Proposals to be submitted to the Human Rights Council for its consideration and approval.

5. Presentation by Secretariat and members of the Expert Mechanism

6. Other issues


7. Closing

Lunch 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.