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Pour être informés quotidiennement des nouveaux sujets concernant les Peuples Autochtones: conférence, documentation, processus internationaux, débats, etc.

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Docip's Weekly News No. 83 - December 15, 2017


The Docip team 2017Dear friends,

We have the pleasure to present you our last weekly newsletter for the year 2017. The Docip team would like to take this opportunity to  wish you a festive and restful end-of-year holiday with your loved ones and a good productive start on your projects in 2018.

The Docip office will be closed from December 24 - 26, 2017, and from December 31 - January 2, 2018. During this period, we will publish messages and reminders mainly on our Facebook page and Twitter account. Also, if needed, your urgent messages can be sent at any time to secretariat(at)

Our next newsletter will be published on January 12, 2018.

We would like to thank you warmly for your support during 2017, and we look forward to continuing our journey with you in 2018!


Best regards,

The Docip team



Call for Contributions on indigenous and local knowledge (ILK) for the IPBES Global Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

UNPFII Questionnaire to Indigenous Peoples’ Organizations

Call for input: OHCHR study on youth and human rights

UN Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Peoples call for applications: UNPFII and EMRIP sessions 2018



29th session of the Universal Periodic Review

January 15 - 26, 2018, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

17th session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

April 16 - 27, 2018, UNHQ, New York, USA

  • Website
  • Theme: “Indigenous peoples’ collective rights to lands, territories and resources”







10 years of the adoption of the UNDRIP and indigenous peoples' rights to land at stake ... don't miss the new edition of our Update!



Send us your suggestions or corrections concerning our agenda and news!