Docip's Weekly News No. 76 - October 27, 2017
October 16 - November 10, 2017, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
- Website
- Accreditation
- NGO Information Note
- Consideration of State Reports: Australia, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dominican Republic, Jordan, Mauritius, Romania - Consideration of country situation in the absence of a State report: Gambia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Country Report Task Forces for the adoption of lists of issues: Algeria, Bahrain, Lao People's Democratic Republic - Task Forces: Japan
October 23 - November 17, 2017, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
- Website
- Provisional agenda
- Programme of work
- Information for NGOs
- High Level Panel on CEDAW General Recommendation No. 35 (November 14, 2017)
- Consideration of State Reports: Burkina Faso, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Guatemala, Israel, Kenya, Kuwait, Monaco, Nauru, Norway, Oman, Paraguay, Singapore
Call for Proposals of the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR)
Call for applications for 7 Independent experts of the HRC (2 EMRIP)
November 6 - 17, 2017, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
- Website
- Countries to be scheduled for consideration: Argentina, Benin, Czech Republic, Gabon, Ghana, Guatemala, Japan, Korea (Republic of), Pakistan, Peru, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Ukraine, Zambia
November 6 - 17, 2017, Bonn, Germany
Docip will be at COP23 in Bonn to support the Indigenous Peoples' delegates.
For details please contact Karen Pfefferli karen(at)
Send us your suggestions or corrections concerning our agenda and news!