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Docip's Weekly News No. 355


JULY 2 - 8, 2023

53rd session of the Human Rights Council

June, 19 - July 14, 2023, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

138th session of the Committee on civil and political rights

June 26 - July 26, 2023, Palais Wilson, Geneva, Switzerland



Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Registration of side events for the 16th session

Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Peoples - call for applications: Treaty bodies from August to November 2023

Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights: Call for inputs on country visit to Ecuador (August 2023)

Call for submissions: WIPO Photography Prize for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Youth 2023

NEW: Registration for the 16th session of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

NGO contributions to the stakeholder report for UPR 45 (January - February 2024)

  • Countries:  Saudi Arabia, Senegal, China, Nigeria, Mexico, Mauritius, Jordan, Malaysia, Central African Republic, Monaco, Belize, Chad, Congo, Malta
  • Deadline: July 18, 2023

Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Peoples - call for applications: Universal Periodic Review 44

Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Peoples - call for applications: UNFCCC – COP 28

Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Peoples - call for applications: Human Rights Council 54

Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Peoples - call for applications: Forum on Business and Human Rights 12

Submission of communications to the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)

Call for contributions: Draft General Recommendation n°37 on Racial discrimination in the enjoyment of the right to health



High-level political forum on sustainable development 2023

July 10 - 19, 2023, UNHQ, New York, USA

16th session of the Expert mechanism on the rights of Indigenous Peoples

July 17 - 21, 2023, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland





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