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ACTUALITÉSPour être informés quotidiennement des nouveaux sujets concernant les Peuples Autochtones: conférence, documentation, processus internationaux, débats, etc.


Pour être informés quotidiennement des nouveaux sujets concernant les Peuples Autochtones: conférence, documentation, processus internationaux, débats, etc.

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Docip's Weekly News No. 330


Season's greetings 2022 


Dear friend of Docip,

Welcome to our last weekly newsletter of 2022. If things did not entirely go back to normal at international conferences this year, 2022 did at least give us a bit of a taste of normality. We indeed got to enjoy seeing some of you again in Geneva, as you were able to come and stand up for your rights in person again.

Resuming work in this context has been a challenge for everyone, but your engagement is a source of inspiration for us. It is thanks to your constant commitment that Indigenous Peoples’ rights became an obvious key to solving environmental crises in the frame of international negotiations. Yet, many challenges remain, and it is necessary to stay vigilant in order to ensure that your rights continue to be at the core of international discussions. You can count on Docip and its volunteers to stand by your side and support your efforts in ensuring this.

In 2022, part of our team changed and new faces started to appear. Rest assured: Docip’s core principles have not changed and remain based on mutual respect and non-interference in your advocacy work. As a service organization, we remain at your disposal to adapt our support to your needs.

We look forward to seeing you in 2023, and we especially hope to be able to help you again during the UN Permanent Forum in New York in April 2023. Thank you very much for your continued trust and support. We also would like to thank our translators, interpreters, and other volunteers for their outstanding commitment.

The Docip office will be closed between 26 December 2022 and 4 January 2023. We will continue to post important messages and reminders on our Facebook page and our Twitter account. Please direct any urgent messages to secretariat(at)

Our next weekly newsletter will be published on January 13, 2023.

We wish you all very happy holidays!

The Docip team



Call for input: Questionnaire Roadmap for the Next Decade

Call for input: UN report on freedom of religion or belief and sexual orientation and gender identity

Call for submissions: Study on “The impact of militarization on the rights of Indigenous Peoples”

Call for inputs: UN study on the toxic impacts of some climate change solutions

Call for comments on the draft general comment on children’s rights and the environment with a special focus on climate change

NEW: 2023 Call for Proposals for the Indigenous Community Media Fund

  • Countries: Latin America and Caribbean, Africa, Canada and the United States, India, Philippines, Indonesia, Nepal, Bangladesh, Vietnam, and Malaysia
  • Application Deadline: February 15, 2023



92nd session of the Committee on the rights of the child

January 16 - February 3, 2023, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

  • Website
  • Consideration of State Reports: Azerbaijan, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Ireland, Mauritius, New Zealand, Oman, Sweden

22nd session of the Permanent forum on indigenous issues

April 17 - 28, 2023, UNHQ, New York, USA

  • Theme: “Indigenous Peoples, human health, planetary and territorial health and climate change: a rights-based approach”
  • Website

16th session of the Expert mechanism on the rights of Indigenous Peoples

July 17 - 21, 2023, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland (date tbc)



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