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Docip's Weekly News No. 293


APRIL 3 - 9, 2022

22nd session of the Committee on enforced disappearances

March 28 - April 8, 2022, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland



Call for Nominations to the Equator Prize 2022

Call for applications for mandate holders of the Human Rights Council (50th session)

Registration to the 21st session of the Permanent Forum (UNPFII) for organizations and academics that have participated at previous sessions

Call for contributions: UN report on protected areas and Indigenous Peoples' rights: the obligations of states and international organizations

Call for contributions: UN report on Indigenous Women and the development, application preservation and transmission of scientific knowledge

Call for contributions: UN report on the impact of toxics on Indigenous peoples



21st session of the Permanent forum on indigenous issues

April 25 - May 6, 2022, UNHQ, New York, USA (hybrid session)

43rd session of the Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore (IGC)

May 30 - June 3, 2022, Geneva, Switzerland (hybrid session)





Docip at the 21st session of the Permanent Forum (UNPFII)

In preparation for the upcoming 21st session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII), Docip would like to inform you that interpretation and translation services in English, Spanish, French and Russian will be provided remotely. You are invited to submit your requests by following the instructions below:

  • Translation requests can be submitted through Docip's translation request form at any time from now until the end of the session. Please note that they will be processed only during the session (April 25 - May 6).



Send us your suggestions or corrections concerning our agenda and news!