Docip's Weekly News No. 253
Dear Friend,
The world is starting to think about life after the pandemic, but most or even all international meetings are still short and virtual. This also applies to the 14th session of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, confirmed from July 12 to 16, 2021. You can find its draft programme of work below. You might also like to take a look at the two new flagship UN reports in the "Recent publications" section of our newsletter.
Tomorrow, June 5, is world environment day: let's take care of it!
I wish you a pleasant reading,
JUNE 6 - 12, 2021
June 7 - 11, 2021, virtual session
- Website
- Registration
- Consideration of State Reports: Croatia, Netherlands, Switzerland - LoIPR: Bulgaria, Fiji, Liechtenstein, Oman
World Oceans Day
June 8, 2021
Information event on the LCIPP dedicated web portal
June 10, 2021, virtual event
Open informal consultation of the Open-ended intergovernmental working group on transnational cooperations and human rights (OEIGWG)
June 11, 2021, virtual session
Call for applications for two UN mandate holders
Day of General Discussion on "Children’s Rights and Alternative Care" (CRC)
Call for written submissions and registration for oral statements for the general discussion day on the rights of indigenous women and girls (CEDAW)
EMRIP: Registration on the Speakers list for the 14th session
Consultation Survey on the WWF’s policy statement on Indigenous Peoples and Conservation
Call for inputs on good practices to support the work of environmental human rights defenders
Call for submissions: 40th session of the UPR (Jan-Feb 2022)
- Countries: Togo, Syrian Arab Republic, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Iceland, Zimbabwe, Lithuania, Uganda, Timor Leste, Republic of Moldova, Haiti, South Sudan
- Deadline: July 15, 2021
Call for written contributions to the draft general comment on Land and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR)
High-level Dialogue on desertification, Land degradation and drought
June 14, 2021, virtual session
Intersessional workshop on cultural rights and the protection of cultural heritage
June 14 - 15, 2021, virtual session
Day of general discussion on the rights of indigenous women and girls (CEDAW)
June 24, 2021, virtual session
July 6 - 15, 2021, UNHQ, New York, USA
July 12 - 16, 2021, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
Read our latest publication: the Synthesis nº11 on the 20th session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
Send us your suggestions or corrections concerning our agenda and news!