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Docip's Weekly News No. 243


Photo of Amalia Rodriguez Fajardo Dear Friend,

After 5 years of working with the Docip team, Amalia Rodriguez Fajardo has decided to leave Docip to pursue other professional ventures.

We would like to sincerely thank her for all the work she has done as a Representative to the European Union in our Brussels office. We will miss her professional competence and positive spirit, but we are sure that her strengths will be appreciated in whatever capacity she takes on.

We wish her well and hope to meet her again in the near future.

The Docip team and management


MARCH 28 - APRIL 3, 2021

24th session of the Committee on the rights of persons with disabilities

March 8 - April 1, 2021, virtual session



Call for inputs: report on climate change related policies and projects from a right to development perspective

Call for proposals of the Indigenous Women's Fund AYNI

UNESCO consultations on the International Decade of Indigenous Languages

Registration to the 20th session of the Permanent Forum (UNPFII) for NGOs with ECOSOC Status, IPOs, and Academics that have participated at previous sessions

Indigenous Peoples at the United Nations: Project Access Online

2021 UN Global Climate Action Awards



20th session of the Permanent forum on indigenous issues

April 19 - 30, 2021, UNHQ, New York, USA

High-level political Forum on sustainable development 2021

July 6 - 15, 2021, UNHQ, New York, USA





We just published the Docip bibliography for the 20th session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues:



Send us your suggestions or corrections concerning our agenda and news!