Docip's Weekly News No. 239
Dear Friend,
Welcome to our newsletter for the next week. We have a few interesting new events in our list, and more than 10 deadlines that will expire! And we would like to invite you to commemorate the World Wildlife Day on March 3.
Plant a tree, feed an animal, and stay safe!
Pascal from Docip
FEBRUARY 28 - MARCH 6, 2021
February 15 - March 5, 2021, virtual session
February 22 - March 23, 2021, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
March 1 - 26, 2021, virtual session
Regional dialogue on Eastern Europe, Russian Federation, Central Asia and Transcaucasia of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII)
March 3 - 4, 2021, virtual event
UNFCCC virtual regional roundtables for COP26
March 3 - 4, 2021, virtual event
World Wildlife Day
March 3, 2021
Call for inputs to the Special Rapporteur's report on Covid-19 Recovery and Indigenous Peoples’ Rights
Call for inputs to the Special Rapporteur's report on the situation of Indigenous Peoples living in urban areas
Call for applications: DGM Global Learning Fellowship 2021
- Eligible countries: Brazil, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Guatemala, Indonesia, Mexico, Mozambique, Nepal, Peru, Republic of Congo
- Extended deadline: March 1, 2021
UN Voluntary Trust Fund on Contemporary Forms of Slavery: Call for projects assisting indigenous victims
UN Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture: Call for projects assisting indigenous victims
EMRIP call for submissions: Report on Self-Determination under the UNDRIP
EMRIP call for submissions: Study on the rights of the indigenous child under the UNDRIP
Call for inputs: report on climate change related policies and projects from a right to development perspective
Call for applications: Keepers of the Earth Fund (KOEF)
Contributions to the FAO reference paper on “Indigenous Peoples’ Food Systems"
Written contributions to the 20th session of the Committee on Enforced Disappearances
Call for input to a report on the long term detention of human rights defenders
Registration to the 20th session of the Permanent Forum (UNPFII) for new organizations and academics
Call for submissions: 39th session of the UPR (Oct-Nov 2021)
- Countries: Suriname, Greece, Samoa, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,Sudan, Hungary, Papua New Guinea, Tajikistan, United Republic of Tanzania, Antigua and Barbuda, Eswatini, Trinidad and Tobago, Thailand, Ireland
- Deadline: March 25, 2021
2021 UN Global Climate Action Awards
April 19 - 30, 2021, UNHQ, New York, USA
- Website
- Note: "Participation of Indigenous Peoples’ organizations and civil society will not be possible in-person and will take place only online."
July 6 - 15, 2021, UNHQ, New York, USA
Send us your suggestions or corrections concerning our agenda and news!