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Docip's Weekly News No. 192


MARCH 15 - 21, 2020


Important note: Please visit the meeting websites for updated information regarding the COVID-19 measures!


43rd session of the Human Rights Council

February 24 - March 20, 2020, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland (SUSPENDED!)

128th session of the Committee on civil and political rights

March 2 - 27, 2020, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland (ACCESS RESTRICTED!)

23rd session of the Committee on the rights of persons with disabilities

March 9 - 27, 2020, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland (POSTPONED!)

64th session of the Commission on the status of women

March 9 - 20, 2020, UNHQ, New York, USA (SUSPENDED!)

41st session of the Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore (IGC)

March 16 - 20, 2020, WIPO, Geneva, Switzerland (POSTPONED!)

International Day of Forests

March 21, 2020




Registration for the 19th session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

UPR: NGO contributions to the stakeholder report for the 37th session 

  • (Micronesia (Federated States of), Lebanon, Mauritania, Nauru, Rwanda, Nepal, Saint Lucia, Oman, Austria, Myanmar, Australia, Georgia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Sao Tome and Principe)
  • Deadline: March 26, 2020

Individual meetings with the UNSRRIP during the 19th session of the Permanent Forum

Call for feedback: OHCHR Accountability and Remedy Project (ARP III)

EMRIP: Call for submissions to the Report on Repatriation of ceremonial objects and human remains under the UNDRIP



19th session of the Permanent forum on indigenous issues

April 13 - 24, 2020, UNHQ, New York, USA (POSTPONED!)








To keep you informed about the COVID-19 pandemic:

Take care of yourself and your loved ones!



Send us your suggestions or corrections concerning our agenda and news!