Docip's Technical Secretariat at the UNPFII in New York, 20 April to 1 May 2015: logistical support, documentation and support services on UN Mechanisms
During the 14th session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) which takes place at the UN Headquarters in New York from 20 April to 1 May 2015, Docip sets up a technical secretariat to the attention of the indigenous delegates attending this conference. Docip’s technical secretariat is located in Conference Room B, on level B1 of the Conference Building and is open from 9am to 6.30pm.
To offer logistical support to the work of the indigenous delegations, Docip’s team gathers more than 60 volunteers and offers the following free services:
- Translations to and from English, French, Spanish and Russian
- Interpretation to and from English, French, Spanish and Russian for informal meetings
- Information on the 14th session of the Permanent Forum
- IT support
- Guidance for new participants
- Photocopies and other administrative tasks
In order to provide these services, Docip’s technical secretariat puts the following at the disposal of indigenous peoples :
- An office to use as workspace
- Several computers and printer
- Internet connexions
- Photocopiers
- Office supplies
Docip gathers, files and posts on line, as soon as possible once received, all the statements read during the Permanent Forum. They will be available here on the documentary database of Docip’s website, or by going on, to Documentation –> online documentation -> Conferences -> Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues -> 2015. You will also find there the reference and related documents, including the agenda and the proposed organisation of work. Documents relating to the 14th session of the UNPFII are also found here on the Permanent Forum’s website.
We thank you in advance for giving a copy (paper or electronic) of your statements to Docip so that they can be published online in Docip’s documentary database and thus preserved in the long term. You can send your declarations by email to We precise that all statements will be kept in Docip and that only those read during the session will be published on our website.
Docip’s support service for Indigenous Peoples on UN Mechanisms
In the framework of the 14th session of the UNPFII, and until Friday 1 May 2015, Docip offers a support service to indigenous delegates and organisations interested in UN mechanisms. If you wish to send communications to the UN on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, please contact Josée Daris by coming between 10 am and 12 pm to Docip’s technical secretariat (Conference Room B, on level B1 of the Conference Building). She will give you general information, advice on the procedure to follow, as well as offer support to write your communications. You may also contact directly Josée Daris by sending an email to: