Docip Synthesis nº9 on the 12th session of the Expert Mechanism (EMRIP)
Docip has the pleasure to share with you the Synthesis on the 12th session of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP) that took place from the 15th until the 19th of July 2019 at the UN Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.
The 12th session of this year's Expert Mechanism focused on 'Indigenous Peoples’ rights in the context of borders, migration and displacement'.
This Synthesis summarizes the statements of the plenary sessions made during the conference, starting with a paragraph of introduction, followed by an executive summary, summaries of the statements, summaries of the side-events and annexes.
I would like to thank my team for their work on this publication: all the volunteers who took notes during the Expert Mechanism, Ms. Leyla Babayeva and Mr. Ivan Gorovenko (translation into Russian), Mr. Víctor Díaz (translation into Spanish), Ms. Clémence Berger (translation into French), and Ms. Mary Holihan (proof reading of English).
Wishing you a pleasant reading,
Priscilla Saillen
Summary Note Coordinator
Download the Docip Synthesis nº9: