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Docip Synthesis nº15 on the 16th session of the Expert Mechanism (EMRIP)


Photo en ligne de la synthèse n°15


Dear friends and colleagues,

Docip has the pleasure to share with you the Synthesis Notes on the 16th session of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP) that took place in person and online from July 17 to 21, 2023.

For its 16th session the Expert Mechanism namely focused on the: “Draft Study and advice on the impact of militarization on the rights of Indigenous Peoples“ as well as on other important matters addressed in the plenary session.

This Summary includes a paragraph of introduction, followed by an executive summary of presentations and statements.

I would like to thank Docip’s translation team for their work on this publication:  Leyla Babayeva (translation into Russian), Alberto (translation into Spanish), Annabelle Labbé (translation into French).  Furthermore I’d like to highlight the amazing contributions made by our Volunteer Team whose tireless work during the conference ensured all contributions were expertly transcribed. Megan, Maria-Paula, Darius, Miguel, Humberto, Aldo, Sara, Elisa, Clément, Svetlana, Jessica and Alicia, thank you so much!


Wishing you a pleasant read,

Tristan P. Harnisch
Team Assistant


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