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Docip information on the Expert Mechanism (EMRIP 11) in Geneva


We have the pleasure to present you Docip’s information on the 11th session of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP). The meeting will be held at the UN Headquarters in Geneva from July 9 to 13, 2018. For the first time, our "Welcome Guide" for Indigenous Peoples' delegates is available online. You can now view it here:

The sections of our guide:

  1. Accreditation
  2. Provisional Agenda
  3. Programme of work
  4. Daily Programme
  5. Processes related to EMRIP
  6. Indigenous Peoples Caucus
  7. Contact list
  8. Docip services
  9. Bibliography 11th session
  10. UN background documents

The sections are regularly updated as more information becomes available.


Docip services for the Indigenous Peoples' delegates

During the ERMIP Docip provides the following tools and services for the indigenous delegates:

  • Our technical secretariat provides computers, printers, photocopiers, as well as interpreters for your meetings and a document translation service
  • Our documentation center collects indigenous delegates’ statements to ensure the safeguard of the documentary heritage
  • Our strategic support service facilitates your documentation and legal research as well as your networking
  • Our information and orientation service provides information on UN mechanisms and keeps you informed about ongoing meetings and events

You can find all our services for the EMRIP here:

For any question regarding our services please contact Karen Pfefferli: karen(at)


Indigenous Peoples Preparatory meeting

The preparatory meeting of the Caucus will take place on Sunday, July 8, 2018 in the Swiss Press Club, 106 route de Ferney, 1202 Geneva. Interpretation in English, Spanish, French, and Russian will be provided by Docip.

You can find more information on the Indigenous Preparatory Meeting here:

It will be updated as more information becomes available.


We wish you a safe trip to Geneva and hope to meet you at the Expert Mechanism!