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Dialogue Meeting on Enhanced Indigenous Peoples’ Participation at the UN


Dear friends,

Docip has the pleasure to share with you the information about the Dialogue Meeting on Enhanced Indigenous Peoples’ Participation at the UN, 27-30 January 2020, Quito, Ecuador.



The Sámi Parliament in Finland; COICA; IITC; AIPP hosted the second dialogue Meeting on Enhanced Indigenous Peoples' Participation at the United Nations, from 27 to 30 January 2020 in Quito, Ecuador. Indigenous Peoples’ representatives, states’ representatives and experts participated to provide Indigenous representatives and experts the opportunity to consider and consolidate their positions and strategies on the current and future processes, regarding their enhanced participation at the United Nations at all levels. The meeting produced the Quito Outcome Document which includes key decisions, next steps for Indigenous Peoples and recommendations to States.

You can find the outcome document in the Docip Online Documentation Center:


Ghazali Ohorella


Watch the comprehensive presentation by Ghazali Ohorella on the participation of Indigenous Peoples at the UN and the Quito document here (English):



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