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Council of Europe: Recommendation on human rights and business


Docip has the pleasure to inform you on the recommendation on human rights and business CM/Rec(2016)3 of the Committee of Ministers to the member states of the Council of Europe. 

The Council of Europe is an international organization of  47 European states with headquarters in Strasbourg. The main mission of the Council of Europe is to promote and ensure the application of the European Convention on Human Rights.

The European Human Rights Court monitors the application of this Convention. It ensures ultimately compliance by States Parties with obligations under the Convention. Its judgments are binding on the States concerned.

We particularly draw your attention to Article 7 of that recommendation in which the Committee of Ministers recommends  all Member States to require their companies to respect the rights of indigenous peoples and "consult and cooperate in good faith to obtain their free and informed consent prior to agreement on any project affecting their lands or territories and other resources."