Call for projects assisting indigenous victims of torture and slavery
Dear friends,
Docip has the pleasure to inform you on a new call for applications from the the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. Please share this call with your indigenous brothers and sisters.
Best regards,
Pascal D. Angst
Docip - Information & Agenda
Call for projects assisting indigenous victims of torture and slavery
Dear all,
The UN Voluntary Fund on Contemporary Forms of Slavery and the UN Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture are two funds managed by OHCHR in Geneva. These two funds provide grants to organisations assisting victims of contemporary forms of slavery (traditional slavery, forced labour, debt bondage, the worst forms of child labour, forced and early marriage, the sale of wives and inherited widows, trafficking in persons, sexual slavery, commercial sexual exploitation of children and children in armed conflict) as well as victims of acts of torture and their family members (in line with the torture definition contained in article 1 of the Convention against Torture).
This year, the Boards of Trustees of the two funds have notably decided to prioritise projects assisting indigenous peoples subjected to contemporary forms of slavery and acts of torture. The Board of Trustees of the Torture Fund also decided to prioritise projects assisting women and girls and victims of gender-based violence as well as human rights defenders working under restrictive or retaliatory measures subjected to acts of torture and victims of excessive use of force by law enforcement and security forces amounting to acts of torture, in particular in the context of protests.
Indigenous organisations as well as their partners organisations are therefore strongly encouraged to apply and submit projects providing legal, social, educational, medical, mental health assistance, vocational or skills training as well as other direct services to victims of slavery and torture. Organisations may apply through an on-line system in English, French and Spanish (details in links below).
Should you need any assistance, please contact Melanie Clerc: mclerc(at)
- Call for applications open: JANUARY 15 - MARCH 1, 2021
- UN Voluntary Trust Fund on Contemporary Forms of Slavery: APPLY HERE
- UN Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture: APPLY HERE
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