Accreditation for the 19th session of the Permanent Forum (UNPFII)
Dear friends,
Docip has the pleasure to present you its guidelines for registering to the 19th session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII19).
A. Indigenous Peoples Organizations (IPOs) and Academics participating for the first time at a session of the Permanent Forum
First, you have to register your organization at UN DESA:
Deadline for registration: February 16, 2020
You can download the registration guide in four languages here:
After approval of your organization, you can continue with the next step.
B. NGOs with ECOSOC Status, IPOs and Academics that have participated at previous sessions of the Permanent Forum
You can register your participants here:
Deadline for registration: March 25, 2020
UNPFII registration guides are available in English, Spanish, and French