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Programme for the Expert Mechanism (EMRIP 10): Friday, July 14, 2017


Docip is pleased to inform you on the official programme and the side-events at the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Geneva. For last minute changes you might want to follow our twitter account and consult the information screens at the UN.

Programme of work

10:00am-1:00pm Closed meeting
3:00pm-6:00pm Item 11 Item 11: Adoption of studies and reports





Exploring the roles of businesses and access to financial services for the rights of indigenous peoples in Asia

 Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact


Room IX

Indigenous peoples: implementing the UN Declaration Geneva for Human Rights EN|ES
10:00am–11:30am Room XXV Indigenous medicines in globalization: good practices and difficulties in building an international indigenous economy Maloca Internationale ES|FR
1:15pm–2:45pm Room XXIII The rights of indigenous peoples in the context of conservation of biodiversity: economic and sanitary challenges and good practices in the case of the Matsigenka communities in the Manu National Park FENAMAD, Society for Threatened Peoples EN|ES
1:15pm–2:45pm Room XI Advancing economic empowerment for indigenous peoples Permanent Mission of Australia EN
1:15pm–2:45pm Room XXV The situation of the Mapuche people in Argentina American Association of Jurists EN|ES


External events


Swiss Press Club, La Pastorale (near Docip office)

Transitions induced by climate change: Challenges for the protection of human rights and the rights of Indigenous Peoples

International Training Center on Human Rights and Peace Education




Information from the EMRIP secretariat



Information from Docip



The EMRIP statements are published online in our Documentation Center!