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Programme of the Expert Mechanism (EMRIP 9): Friday, July 15, 2016


Organisation of work

10:h00am - 1:00pm
Closed session

3:00pm – 6:00pm
Item 11: Adoption of the report


Time: 10:00am – 1.00pm
Room: XXIV (24)
Organizer: Docip and Voluntary Fund on Indigenous Peoples
Title: Training session on UN Mechanisms, the 2030 Agenda, and Advocacy Opportunities
Languages: English, SpanishFrench, Russian

Time: 1:15pm - 2:45pm
Room: XXIV (24)
Organizer: CAPAJ
Title: Recovery of Indigenous Peoples' Mother Tongues  
Languages: English, Spanish 


Docip Information for the 9th session of the EMRIP

Information from the EMRIP secretariat on the 9th session

Delegates Information Desk

During the 9th session of the EMRIP, CAGI's Delegates Information Desk provides you with information about the session and with a practical guide on Geneva and its cultural and touristic offers. It is located near the "Serpent bar" in building E and open from 9:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Click here for further information.