Summary Notes nº4 on the 16th session of the UNPFII
Docip has the pleasure to share with you our first publication of this year, the Summary Notes on the 16th session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues that took place from the 24th of April until the 5th of May in New York.
The 16th session of the Permanent Forum was the opportunity to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and included a high-level event organised by the Office of the President of the General Assembly that was held all day on Tuesday, April 25.
These Summary Notes present all the statements of the plenaries sessions made during the two weeks of the Permanent Forum. In order to answer to a request from indigenous delegates, these Summary Notes also introduce an Executive Summary in the first part.
Furthermore, a video of the presentation of the publications service of Docip is being released to make those more comprehensive for the larger public possible, with the link below:
Finally, it is important for me to thank my team of collaborators: Ms Cléa Barou and Beatriz Goubert (volunteers), Ms Leyla Babayeva and Ivan Gorovenko (translation in Russian), Ms Diana Voronina (interpretation and proof reading in Russian), M. Diego Guzmán (translation in Spanish), M. Alberto Sanz (proof reading in Spanish), Ms. Paulina Rodriguez (interpretation in Spanish and English), Ms. Clémence Berger (translation in French), M. Piotr Belinski (proof reading in French) and Ms. Mary Holihan (proof reading in English).
Wishing you good reading,
Claire Moretto
Docip - Publications