Docip's Weekly News No. 81 - December 1, 2017
November 6 - December 6, 2017, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
- Website
- Provisional agenda
- Programme of work
- Accreditation
- Consideration of State Reports: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Italy, Mauritius, Republic of Moldova, Rwanda, Timor-Leste - List of issues: Mauritania, Tajikistan - LOIPR: Austria, Malawi, Serbia, Slovakia, Somalia, Spain, Switzerland
November 20 - December 8, 2017, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
December 3, 2017, worldwide
Call for applications for 7 Independent experts of the HRC (2 EMRIP)
Call for Proposals 2018: CS Community Media Grants
Call for Contributions on indigenous and local knowledge (ILK) for the IPBES Global Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
Call for input: OHCHR study on youth and human rights
January 15 - 26, 2018, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
- Website
- UPR-Info Pre-sessions (December 12 - 14, 2017)
- States under review: Bahamas, Barbados, Botswana, Burundi, France, Israel, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Mali, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Tonga, United Arab Emirates
Don't miss the launch of our new publication about 10 years of UNDRIP next Wednesday!
Send us your suggestions or corrections concerning our agenda and news!